It's currently 2 in the morning and I have class at noon. You may be asking why on earth I'm even awake at this time. I think I'm semi-nocturnal. I tend to sleep extremely late and wake up around 8am, maybe 9, sometimes 10 (on accident). I definitely need to change my sleeping cycle. I don't even know what I'm doing when I'm up this late. Let's just jump around for a bit.
If you read my little bio thingy on the left hand side, it will tell you that I'm a junior in college as a biology major. Well, let's kick off this new school year with: I am now a senior who changed her major to political science. Now why did I do that? Biology isn't for me. What am I going to do with political science? Not 100% sure about that either. I was thinking about it today and I want to attend graduate school to obtain my MBA and then I want to attend cosmetology school because it's a hobby I enjoy.
Speaking of hobbies, I've recently picked up "extreme couponing." Now that I think about it, it's become more of a lifestyle rather than a hobby. I'm happy to say I'm a self taught couponer who will no longer pay for oral care necessities, feminine hygiene products and paper products such as toilet paper and paper towels. The only thing I would really pay full price for, though I try not to, is fresh produce because I rarely eat processed food. However, I can also coupon for processed foods for dirt cheap! Maybe I'll make a weekly couponing segment with things I've bought. Because of school, however, I haven't had the time to come up with my own breakdowns and rely on others for their own findings. I'll either tweak it to my liking or just imitate it completely. It's not a bad thing. The coupon community is very welcoming, but I do wish I had the time to come up with my own scenarios again. If y'all would like a sneak peak of my couponing adventures, check out my instagram: @danacoupons (=
I had a reason for this blog post but I kind of forgot.. I've always been into blogging (and possibly vlogging) but I don't think I'm the type of person who can open a document and type and speak oh so eloquently. Well, this has been more of me rambling and jumping from subject to subject. I'm off to read my book for class now!
Sweet dreams, night owls.